Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rainy Day Lines

Scott’s Creek 13, 2012

This past Saturday was cold and rainy. It’s easy on days like this to just roll over in bed and catch a few more winks, or get up and read by the fireplace. This past Saturday, though, I instead decided to get out and take some pictures. That’s the attitude you’re supposed to have if you’re a halfway diligent photographer. Photographs don’t take themselves and light and weather conditions wait for no man (or woman).
Besides, rainy days are great for certain kinds of outdoor photography. The even light of a rainy day can be great for photographing things that have detail that gets lost in the contrast on a sunny day
Rainy days also beg black-and-white. In the old days black-and-white was the default, your starting point. Now you simulate it digitally after you’ve taken the picture “in color.”
By late morning I found myself at the end of Constitution Avenue in Portsmouth, looking at some of the old piers on Scott’s Creek that have been heaved around by storms and ice.  The combination of gray sky, marine timber lifted asunder and water made for some greats lines.

Scott’s Creek 17, 2012

Scott’s Creek 20, 2012

1 comment:

  1. Wow--you got some great shots! Aren't you glad you went out then?
